Hello, I have subsequent issue:
Though all Exchange 2010 forums are closed I my question in this Exchange 2013 forum - sorry.
I have two active directory sites (Site A, Site B), in both site I have a CAS, HT (on same server) and MBX (on separate server). All servers are EX2010 SP3 on Windows Server 2008 R2. The two MBX servers are DAG members and each CAS is a member of a "one
node CAS Array" (casarrayA, casarrayB). For testing I have only one Mailboxdatabase (DB1) where the rccclientaccessserver value is set to casarrayA.
When I check the Outlook connection state (for a user who is in DB1 and DB1 is active in site A) I can see that Outlook connects to casarrayA (according to ccclientaccessserver value). When I perform a DB failover to the MBX server in site B everything works
fine for the client. But when I check the Outlook connection state I see that it connects to casarrayB (though the ccclientaccessserver value is set to casarrayA - I doublechecked it). Doing again a failover, the Outlooks connects back to the casaarray in
the site, where the DB is active.
I have in mind that Outlook ALLWAYS connects to the the CAS or casaraay specified in ccclientaccessserver value. Is the above mentioned behaviour by design? How can I control (force) that Outlook ALWAYS connects the the CAS set through the rccclientaccessserver
Many thanks in advance